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About School centre Kranj

The Kranj School Centre was formed by the merge of Technical School Centre Kranj and The Economy and Service School Centre of Kranj, while the former High School of Economics came out as a separate school. Thus The School Centre continues and combines the rich tradition of secondary education schools of Kranj, which began after the Second World War.

In all units, educational work takes place in modern lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories and workshops. All employees are committed to act in the spirit of user-friendly educational institutions. The School Centre has signed agreements with more than 300 companies and organizations where pupils and students can perform practical training. Throughout history, adult education has been carried out in parallel with the regular education of young students. Content and programs have been bound to the programs of regular education and skills needed in the companies of the region.



This school educates for the future in the field of electrical engineering, computer science and mechatronics in the following educational programs:

  • 3-year program: Computer Operator, Electrician, Mechatronics Operator
  • 3 +2-year program: Website Programmer, Information Technology Administrator Electrical Technician, Mechatronics Technician
  • 4-year program: Website Programmer, Information Technology Administrator Electrical Technician, Mechatronics Technician and
  • 1-year professional course: professional computer technician course. 

Educational programs at our school are based on classes with cross-curricular integration of general and professional content in renovated educational programs that bring modern knowledge and quality relationships. This is particularly evident during the project week, when students and teachers create a team in specific learning situations that are at the end presented to the parents.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport has provided 20 % of the educational program to be set by the school, the so called Open curriculum. By focusing on professional modules that are tied to the needs of the economy of our region, we have set up a very high quality program together with representatives of business, entrepreneurship, and economic and social organizations in the region. That gives students skills that enable them a successful study, and provides employers lifelong learning employees with different skills, knowledge and aptitudes.

A very important part of the educational program is practical training in working with employers; the best students carry it out abroad through the Leonardo da Vinci mobility project.

In the school year 2013/14 we have set up a sports division, which educates technicians in all three programs. Students athletes in this way can remain top athletes and at the same time become top experts in the professions of the future which will enable them to find a relevant job after their sports career has been completed.

We try to encourage our students to continue to develop in our country (National School Basketball League, school impro league, MEPI, robotics, music, sports, photography, languages, art creation, research ...). We also participate in humanitarian activities. The most deserving students are each year taken to the so-called Robot trip. Students are provided with high quality work even outside of school, so we can offer them the status of athletes, researchers and cultural workers which facilitates student work in school and beyond.

We welcome students who are hardworking, interested in their profession and know what they want. In this way they will become successful and satisfied students with new knowledge and skills for a friendly and prosperous future.

We look forward to the challenges together with students



We are a technical and vocational school, providing a wide range of educational programs from an economic perspective, services and construction sectors. Our school offers programs and education for the following professions:

Secondary technical education:

  • Economics Technician
  • Construction engineer

Secondary vocational technical education:

  • Economics
  • Construction engineer
  • Secondary vocational education:
  • Administrator
  • Assistant technology works
  • Shop Assistant
  • Hairdresser
  • Painter & Decorator
  • Stovemaker

Lower vocational education:

  • Assistant to Construction Technology

Professional course:

  • Economics

Implementing the revised curricula, programs include the general theoretical part, the mandatory professional modules, optional modules and technical part of the open curriculum, which is designed especially to connect with employers. In addition, the curriculum includes extra-curricular activities. In varying degrees, depending on the program and the profession of students, we also provide practical training with employers. The most valuable experience can be gained through a one-month practical training abroad, where students can be sent via mobility project.

The professionalism of our teachers is reflected in the presentation of learning material with the help of modern teaching methods, the use of ICT in the classroom and in the success and achievements of our students in national and international competitions in their professional field. In addition to success in competitions, the students are curious researchers and are also active in the humanitarian field (every year, among other things, they prepare a cultural program for the elderly) and are great athletes.

We are a school that is open to cooperation with parents, the local community, employers and various government institutions. We are also a school that has an ear for students with special needs, or students who assert various special rights.

We are a school that strives to educate in future professions and interweave values such as respect and knowledge into education.



What is the Kranj School Centre Specialist Grammar School like?

It is a small high school, developing an individual relationship with every student.
We prepare our students for various fields of science and engineering, as well as social sciences and humanistics. Among our former graduates, there are people from all disciplines.
Tuition includes not only traditional forms of working. Students are trained for project work, for experimental work in the laboratory and in the field and to solve real life problems.
We train our students in the educational field. We help them develop the personalities who know how to enjoy life, to feel responsible for their own success and the success of their classmates.
Students are offered interesting excursions in Slovenia and in German-speaking countries and interesting project weeks in the second and third year. In the second year, students spend a week in nature, in the third year they explore the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
Our school life is far from just teaching and learning. We offer many extra-curricular activities (Impro liga, MEPI, ŠKL, events such as: reception of the first-graders, New Year's Concert, events for parents at the end of the school year).
We have a beautiful sports hall and students are encouraged to lead healthy lifestyles. Students athletes, including top-level sportsmen, are provided with optimal conditions for the coordination of school and sports obligations. There are national champions of various fields among our students.
Students who are particularly involved in the field of culture are also assisted in adjusting their obligations and, where necessary, provided extra individual attention.
We offer high-quality preparation for elective graduation courses for the following subjects: History, Geography, German, physics, computer science, engineering, and electrical engineering.
Our former students often return to our high school to share their success with us.



The greatest advantage of the School Centre Kranj is the vertically designed educational system which enables our high school graduates to study at higher educational levels.

The Vocational College is one of the largest vocational colleges in Slovenia. Seven programs are carried out to obtain higher professional education:

  • Mechatronics Engineer
  • Power Supply Engineer
  • Informatics Engineer
  • Economist
  • Business Secretary
  • Social Network Organizer
  • Security Engineer

As a student of Economics you will gain a sufficiently broad knowledge of commercial or financial management and accounting, depending on which module you choose.

As a Business secretary student of part-time program you will be trained to carry out the work and the implementation of tasks related to planning, organizing, managing and monitoring the activities of the business process in the Registry.

The basic objectives of the Social Network Organizer program is to educate students for the organization and coordination of social assistance programs with the aim of integrating individuals and groups in a social network, organize and participate in programs and activities in the field of social prevention to ensure more active and better quality of life.

The main objective of the Security Engineer program is to educate engineers with a sufficiently wide professional technical and practical knowledge, useful for the implementation of tasks related to planning, organizing and monitoring activities in the field of security and protection.

All programs are modularly designed and evaluated according to the ECTS credit system, which allows horizontal transition of students between modules and the enforcement of credit points in further education.

The advantage of our education programs is a strong relationship with the economy and the environment, as practical training covers 40% of the curriculum. The Vocational College offers the possibility of practical training with employers abroad through the ERASMUS program.


INTERCOMPANY  EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTRE  (IETC) - the acquisition for the School Centre and the Region

IETC is a bridge between education and industry, which together provide a supportive environment for the development of competition in the labor market.

With a wide range of programs and a rapid response to the needs of employers and the adaptation of working methods of the target population we can provide the relevant skills to the candidates. Thereby we increase their competitive advantage in the common European labor market and at the same time provide qualified personnel to support economic development in the Municipality of Kranj and the wider region.

IETC within the Kranj School Centre

IETC in Kranj School Centre was established in 2008 as an independent unit of the then Technical School Centre Kranj. In 2013 the new IETC building opened its doors. There are 2000 m2 of modern laboratories, workshops and lecture rooms that are designed for education, training, development and project work in the fields of mechatronics, electronics, renewable energy sources, and computer science.

Presentation of activities

The activities are carried out in the following areas:

  • Education and training
  • Project work
  • Co-operation with domestic and foreign partners
  • Research, development, production of new teaching aids
  • Promotion and support activities
  • Support for schools



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