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ERASMUS+ - Luis Bernabeu (Alicante, Španija)

Luis BernabeuV tednu od 5. do 9. marca 2018 smo v okviru akcije ERASMUS+ gostili učitelja Luisa Bernabeua iz srednje šole Gran Vía iz mesta Alicante (Španija).Predstavili smo mu šolski center. Spoznal je organizacijo in način dela na naših šolah. Srečal se je z učitelji (Jure Meden, Klavdija Stropnik, Meta Arnež, Irena Lončar, Lena Vesna Špehar, Jože Verbič, Janez Petrič), delo z dijaki s posebnimi potrebami in priseljenci je predstavila Karmen Kanalec, sodelovanje z delodajalci je predstavil Miloš Frelih, projektno delo pa Sašo Stanojev.

Luis Bernabeu - predstavitev

Luis nam je predstavil svojo šolo. Na šoli dajo velik poudarek delu z Romi in priseljenci iz afriških držav saj je procent le-teh na šoli precej visok.



Luis Bernabeu je o svojem bivanju v Sloveniji pripravil poročilo, ki si ga lahko preberete v nadaljevanju.



This Jobshadowing is a part of the Erasmus+ project called “Integration Through Cooperation, a Great Way to European Future”.
The main objective of this jobshadowing is to learn how other countries and schools work with Students in social disadvantage, immigrants, different cultures and religions students, absenteeism and preventing early school leaving. We are interested in observing and learning other educative techniques that are successful in other schools and at the same time we can explain the educative programs we are developing in our school.

Another goal is to know better the Technical Education and Vocational Training in a foreigner school as the Solsky Center in Kranj, which has many aspects in common with the I.E.S. Gran Via. In this way, we both could share educative methods and experiences in order to improve our students’ education.

Day one

Day two

Day three

Day four

Day five



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