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Dijaki GTI Mortsel na ŠC Kranj

Dijaki GTI MortselV obdobju od 17. do 31. marca 2018 smo na ŠC Kranj gostili dijake tehniške šole GTI Mortsel iz Belgije. V času mobilnosti so bivali pri naših dijakih. V prvem tednu so jih spremljali ravnatelj šole Ronny Verhoeven, koordinator mobilnosti Philippe Gruwier in učitelj elektrotehnike Gert Peeters.

Dijaki Benjamin Tillon, Brend Borgmans, Emiel Mestdagh in Yves Bulckens so v prvem tednu spremljali pouk, v drugem tednu pa so opravljali praktično delo v podjetjih Agromehanika, Bojan Čepin s.p. in Iskra AMS. 

V času svojega bivanja so dijaki pisali dnevnik. Nekaj utrinkov si lahko preberete v nadaljevanju.

17. 3. 2018, Yves Bulckens

Pristanek v SlovenijiYesterday was the day we arrived in Slovenia. In the morning I woke up at 5:40 am. that wasn’t a problem for me, because I was excited. I was really early and was the first one that arrived at the airport. A little later the rest came too. We arrived at Ljubljana a bit delayed. After we met our guest families, we drove home. I settled myself and short after we had lunch. We ate traditional ‘beef’ soup and the main course was pork roast with French fries. After, we went sightseeing. Sadly, we couldn’t see that much of the mountains, because of the bad weather. At around 4 o’clock we went to a café and I took a hot chocolate, but it was much more chocolate than I’m used to. We took the bus back home and shortly after, the teachers and Benjamin came to visit us. We both fix some documents for the presentation and budget. In the evening Benjamin and i ate pizza and we both came back home pretty late.
What a first day!

18. 3. 2018, Emiel Mestdagh

Today was a great day!
Postojnska jamaWe woke up early to visit the Postojna caves.
It was really impressive when walking through the kilometer's long caves. After we arrived safely on the surface again, we traveled further to the Predjama castle which has a special and interesting history. We discovered a lot about Slovenia and its history during this day. Because exploring and learning takes a lot of energy we went to the sea to eat something. After our delicious meal we went for a romantic walk on the beach.

19. 3. 2018, Brend Borgmans

Sprejem na šoliToday was the first at school in Slovenia. First we had a short meeting with the director of the school. Afterwards we went to English class. In the English class we did a little presentation about how we are and what we do. At the end of the lesson we did a quiz about Belgium. The next lesson was about smart installations. Smart installations is about domotics and the software you need to control it. After this class it was time for lunch. For lunch we've eaten a big hamburger, it was really good! After that we had a meeting with the director and the people he works with. Now it was time to see the rest of the school. We have got a tour around the school and saw a big part of it. Now it was time to go home.

20. 3. 2018, Benjamin Tillon

CNCOur second day in Šolski center Kranj was great again. We started with two hours of ICT, where we learned about IP-addresses. The structure, the categories, the connecting methods, we know it all! The third hour, we could rest in the relaxation room after the heavy lessons


21. 3. 2018, Brend Borgmans

IJS robotToday we went to the Jožef Štefan institute for robotics. On the way to the institute we have taken some photos of the mountains because the sun was shining. It was really nice to see what they can do with this robots. We learned a lot about robotics and how they are made. After we went to another bloc of the institute, we saw there something about computers and servers. We have had also a little presentation about wat they are doing with the servers and which project they are made for. When the presentation was finished we thank the people for giving use the possibility to see what they are doing. Now it was time to go eat something. But first we were driving to the place where we must be for the karting. Once we were there, we went to go to eat a pizza or something like that. After lunch, we went to the carting place and drove two times of fifteen minutes. When we were ready with that, it was time to go home. It was a really nice day with all of this but also really exhausting.

22. 3. 2018, Yves Bulckens

Today is our 6th day in Slovenia. I cannot believe how fast time goes by, but anyway. We started our day as usual at school.

The plan for today was helping some students with their project. We were told they are making a submarine, which is very nice. What we needed to do was filling the mold with foil, so when they put the paper-maché in, it wouldn’t stick on the foam mold. While they were filling the mold with paper, we went to our favourite store... the Lidl. After lunch we went back and helped them further on their project. Now we were trying to find a way for the pitch control. But actually everything we said wasn’t good enough. At around 1 pm we left and went to Natasa. It began to become boring after a while.

KranjAt 3 o’clock Natasa gave us a tour in Kranj. We saw some beautiful things and at the end we went to a coffee bar and I took as usual a hot Choco milk. When we went home I asked to stop for a second, so i could take a nice picture of the landscape. At the end it was still a nice day.




23. 3. 2018, Emiel Mestdagh

PnevmatikaIs it already a week? Time flies when you are having fun! We started our lessons later than usual. It was a good opportunity to sleep longer ;). We started or day with pneumatics. The teacher splited the class in two: team Belgium and team Slovenia. It was a lot of fun thinking and working as a team. We eventually did win the game. After two houre of pure fun we had robotics. We controlled an industrial robot who can moves blocks. After this we spent some time learning the simulator which is used to program the robot. We had lunch together outside in the sun with a lovely view on the mountains. The last two hours were the most fun. We made a program to control a PLC. What it does, you can see for yourselves. Again we had a great day in Slovenia.

24. 3. 2018, Benjamin Tillon

Jedrski reaktorToday we started with a visit to the open day of the Jožef Stefan Institute. We went to their nuclear reactor(!), built for research, education and tests. The reactor wasn’t active now, so it was safer ;). We learned about nuclear reaction and how a power plant is working. It was impressive, because none of us have stood on top of such a reactor before… When it is active, it would produce approximately 250 kilowatts (ca. twice the power of a small van). After this very interesting excursion, we drove to Ljubljana for a walk around the city. In the middle of the city, there’s a hill with a castle on top. Up above there, we enjoyed the sight. When we came back down, it was really time to eat ☺. After that, we passed an ice cream bar. That was a good end for again a nice day!

25. 3. 2018, Brend Borgmans

Today was a really nice day but there was one thing that wasn’t plant. Yves became ill yesterday so that was not funny. First we went to the castle of Bled. This castle lies on top of a mountain. Next to the mountain there is a lake with an island in the middle. In the castle was a museum with different themes. After that, we went to a restaurant and ate the specialty of Bled. It is a kind of cake. After the delicious cake we went to Bohinj. After we arrived there, we took the cable car upstairs, where we had a lot of fun in the snow. We did several things with the sleigh. First we just sat on it but after three times we said to each other: “let's do it on our belly.” Then you go faster and you can control the sleigh better. We did also a couple of races, to look who was the best. It was like we were five years old! After two hours of fun, we went back to the cable car to go down again. When we were back down, it was time to go home.

26. 3. 2018, Yves Bulckens

JamnikToday it was our first day in the company. I woke up pretty early, because we had to leave a little earlier than usual.
At first, they gave us a tour around. They have a lot of cnc-machines and they make parts for a lot of different companies. For example they make parts for Nvidia, MSI and EKWB, wich i think is nice. Then Benjamin and i split up. He did the studd with the computer parts and i did the normal parts… My job was to take all the rough edges from the metal parts and going around with a brush. That was about it. It wasn’t that excited, but tomorrow we’ll do a lot more. After that Benjamin, Natasa and went sightseeing. The first thing we went to was a café on top of a mountain. Of course i drank a chocolate pudding. Afterwards we went to another mountain and on too there was a church. The place there was pretty quite, with a nice view.
In the evening we dropped of Benjamin. Natasa and I went to a restaurant, where they had the best sausages and they were. After dinner we went home and that was it for today.

27. 3. 2018, Benjamin Tillon

Bojan Čepin s.p.We started our second working day at 6 o'clock. The company where Yves and I are working is called Bojan Čepin. It is a factory that makes all kind of parts with cnc machines. Today I was working in the laser department. I helped the operator of the 16-meter-long cnc laser cutter. This machine can automatically take a new sheet of metal, cut it and put it back on a pallet. My job was to empty the machine and finish all parts by sanding off the rough edges. I made 291 parts in app. 5 hours. After that, there was a new order of 3936(!) small plates from galvanized steel (16 sheets, 246 plates/sheet). It took us for about 30 minutes to push all the plates out of the sheet, the machine only needed 20 minutes to cut them ... At the end of the working day, I went home because it was raining hard.

28. 3. 2018, Emiel Mestdagh

Iskra AMSI began my day as any other day in Slovenia. Woke up at 5:40 and left at 6:00. I arrived at 7 o'clock at my company (ISKRA AMS). My first task there was to control electrical scheme for a new production line that they are making. One hour later, time was ripe for a good cup of coffee. The schemes where all fine, except for a couple of mistakes I found. At 9 o'clock it was time to eat! It was a heavy, but delicious meal. When we finished eating I was idle, so I decided that it would be better, if I would work on my mini-GIP. Two of my colleagues showed a lot of interest and we decided to become a team! After one hour of explaining and exchanging ideas, we started to program. Because they're both PLC experts, they explained to me a lot of things, that I should add include in my mini-GIP. The company has a lot of PLCs and I could borrow one to test the program. The testing would be on Friday, because guys need to be in the field tomorrow. I am looking forward to test our program! It was an amazing day and I hope you had one as well!

29. 3. 2018, Brend Borgmans

Today it was a fantastic day, because it was my birthday. I woke up on twenty minutes before six as ever day before. On five before seven they came to pick me up to go to my company: Agromehanika. Went I arrived there, I went to my boss. He said to me that we had to repair five machines. The first thing that we did was setting the sealings on it. After that, we prepaired everything, so we could work fast. Now the time was going really fast. We attached tubes on the sealings. After that, it was lunchtime. The food was really good. Then we put stickers on the machines and tested one of the five. That was easy, because we just had to fill it with water to chech for leakages. While we were are doing that, my colleagues did the other machines. When we were done, we only had to do the last one. After that, I must made some tubes for the next day. I finished twenty of them, then it was time to go home. When I was home, we ate something small, because in the evening we went to go eat with everyone who's her with us. It was a delicious meal. We also took a dessert. They had also a surprise for my birthday. I didn’t expected that. But it was really nice of everyone. The time was going really fast! After everyone said goodbye to us, we went home to go to sleep. Because tomorrow it is our last day in Slovenia.

30. 3. 2018, Benjamin Tillon

 Bojan Čepin s.p. Our last day at the company was great. Today, I stood at the cnc-milling department. I started with preparing parts to be milled. My co-worker also explained me how to prepare the whole machine with only one sheet of paper with some information. The largest part of the day, I was cleaning aluminium profiles. This customer wanted his parts also clean at delivery. So that was doing all the time the same… It is Friday, so the ambiance was better than other days. That made the work not boring anymore!



30. marec 2018, Yves Bulckens

It was our last day at bojan cepin. I worked in the main part again. I started with getting the rough edges off of just cutted metal. That was my day untill lunch. As lunch I had a nice sandwich with chicken. After lunch i started to work more with the laser-cutter. Untill they asked me to get 478 pieces out of an metal scheet. After a while i finished it and got them all out. Then it was mostly doing the same stuff, waiting for the cutter to finish getting the pieces out and then again and again. An hour before we finished Denis gave me a short tour around the place. He told me that everything started with a guy named bojan cepin, who worked on some projects for some people. After a while it got more busier, so he asked a friend to help him. In the end of the nineties they bhought their first bending and punching machines. Later followed more people and more machines… I really liked the story. At 13:50 i went upstairs already to changes clothes and went to the meeting with Benjamin. We finished everything thing school related and afterwards, they gave us a small gift. We thanked them and they us. After i went to Planica. It was very nice, but I was too tired. I really liked this 2 weeks and I had a great time here. Those 2 weeks went too fast.

31. marec 2018, Emiel Mestdagh

Today was our official last day in Slovenia. We really enjoyed these 2 weeks! I woke up at 5 o'clock so we could arrive on time at the airport. After waiting for 30 minutes we could check in. After 15 minutes we were out of the customs. We were right on time to board. The plane was almost empty when we arrived there. the plane could carry 144 people, when we boarded there were 9 people sitting on the plane. Taking of with 12 passengers and 3 stewardesses, we flew to Brussels. When we arrived in Brussels it was a happy moment. Big thanks to: Solski center Kranj, GTI Mortsel, the companies and our host families for the good care and making this possible! 


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